The Nigerian Sculptor, John Amanam, Who Creates Dark Skinned Prosthesis For Black Amputees


          Image Credit: Instagram

John Amanam is a Nigerian-born artist and entrepreneur who specializes in creating hyper-realistic prosthetic limbs, specifically for dark-skinned individuals. His work gained international attention and recognition for its remarkable attention to detail and lifelike appearance.

The Inspiration 

John Amanam became interested in prosthesis after witnessing the challenges faced by individuals with limb differences. He was particularly inspired by a childhood friend who lost a limb due to a car accident. Determined to make a difference, Amanam embarked on a journey to create prosthetic limbs that would not only be functional but also enhance the self-esteem and confidence of the wearer. His childhood friend is the reason that countless individuals now get to enjoy feeling special with hyper-realistic prosthesis. 

Artistry & Talent 

Using his artistic skills, Amanam began sculpting and designing prosthetic limbs that closely resemble natural body parts. He pays meticulous attention to skin texture, color, and individual features, ensuring that each prosthetic matches the unique characteristics of the wearer. His goal is to provide individuals with limb differences the opportunity to regain a sense of normalcy and feel proud of their prosthetic limbs. 

 Image Credit: Instagram
John Amanam's work gained widespread recognition when he showcased his hyper-realistic prosthetics at various exhibitions and events. His creations garnered significant media attention, both locally in Nigeria and internationally. Amanam's prosthesis have been praised for their ability to challenge societal perceptions of disability and showcase the beauty of diversity.

Other Achievements 

In addition to his artistic endeavors, John Amanam also founded Immortal Cosmetic Art, a company dedicated to providing affordable and accessible prosthesis to individuals in need. Through his company, Amanam aims to make his realistic prosthesis available to people from all walks of life, regardless of their financial resources.

Final Verdict

John Amanam's work serves as a testament to the power of art and innovation in transforming lives and creating inclusive communities. His dedication to helping individuals with limb differences regain their confidence and live fulfilling lives has made him an inspirational figure in the field of prosthesis. He strives to ensure that everyone has an equal chance of feeling comfortable in their prosthesis, no matter their skin tone. 

Author Bio

Alyaziah Hayat is a 22-year-old journalist covering news and events on history, finance, crime, and pop culture. She has an eye for detail and is always looking for the next big story. Looking to work with her? Reach out here!